Monday, October 15, 2012

WEEK 19 (FYP SEM 2)               15 0CTOBER 2012

TITLE: Construct and Testing Solar Charger Circuit

OBJECTIVE: To construct and testing Solar Charger Circuit


Solar charger circuit is one of the essential part in this project. The function of Solar Charger is to regulate the power flowing from a photovoltaic panel into rechargeable battery.Other than that, it's also help in limiting the energy supplied to the battery by the PV array when the battery becomes fully charged. It is very important as it prevent battery from overcharge or over discharge. For this solar charger circuit, I get the circuit diagram while doing some research on the internet.

Solar Charger Circuit Diagram


The circuit is constructed based on the above diagram. The component involve are heat sink, circuit terminal connector, potentiometer, schottky diode, Lm317T, resistors and capacitor. The circuit constructed as shown below:

Circuit constructed
Unfortunately, as I am testing the circuit, the circuit did not functioning well. In other words, this circuit cant be used and I had to design another solar charger. I try to do some troubleshoot to this circuit and maybe it happen due to the problem while soldering the circuit.

The remaining days is passing really fast and I must finish this solar charger matter within this week.

" ...With ALLAH blessing, plus with Supervisor guidance, plus with Family support, plus with Friends advise, I know I will do my best to finish this project, INSYAALLAH..."

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