Sunday, October 28, 2012

WEEK 24 ( FYP SEM 2)     28 OCTOBER 2012

TITLE: Battery as back up supply and Water pump for pets

OBJECTIVE: To give the feeder backup supply and adding water pump to feeder


For the backup supply, this feeder use Rechargeable battery GP Power. This Sealed Lead Acid Battery serve 12V with 7.2AH. The time for battery to run the load simply known by dividing the Amp Hour of the battery with the Amp Hour of load use.

Rechargeable Battery
 As for the water pump, the water pump use now is AC water pump. For now, this water pump remain as additional features as it required other sources as the main source of this feeder use DC supply. To be use in DC, an inverter circuit is needed to supply to the water pump using DC supply. For now, the water pump just remain as additional feature and may be upgrade in future with the use of inverter.

AC water pump


The battery serve as backup perfectly. The water pump is submersible pump and when running create little fountain which in turn could attract the pets to use the feeder. The video shows how the pump is working.


The  part of the Feeder like water pump, blade and motor, battery and supply is running smoothly for now.

" ...With ALLAH blessing, plus with Supervisor guidance, plus with Family support, plus with Friends advise, I know I will do my best to finish this project, INSYAALLAH..."

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