Sunday, September 2, 2012

WEEK 17 ( FYP SEM 2)              2 SEPTEMBER 2012

TITLE: Blade for the feeder

OBJECTIVE: To design the blade for the feeder


In this project, the blade play the significant role to drop the food. The design of the blade must withstand the weight of the amount of foods. Besides, the timing of the blades to move need detail attention as it will result the overall operation of the feeder. At first, I design the blades by using perspex as shown below, but then it broke into pieces. 


blade perspex


So, as for now, I choose to design a blade using plastic pipes as shown below. It has screw on each end of the blade which can be use to adjust the balance of the blade. For now, the blades move pretty fast when supply being fed to the motor, thus, I need to setting the timing of the motor to ensure the blade moves like desire. 

plastic pipes blade


As conclusion, the blades needs details design construction and programming to ensure it moving smoothly.

" ...With ALLAH blessing, plus with Supervisor guidance, plus with Family support, plus with Friends advise, I know I will do my best to finish this project, INSYAALLAH..."

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