Saturday, February 11, 2012

Finding supply!!!!

WEEK 3                                                                     11 FEBRUARY 2012

TITLE : Finding Supply

OBJECTIVES :  Research on supply


A busy week had started!! All of the FYP degree sem1 students are struggling with their project progress.. For this entry, I would like to write about alternative power sources for my project. I'm still in researching mood, looking for something interesting and efficient regarding the power sources. I need to find an alternative to replace the use of main electrical supply as I would like to create an energy saving project. Instead of using timer circuit, I also use a filter pump that will operate 24 hours and thus I need to find a better solution in order to achieve the goal for this project.


There lots of renewable energy that might be used as an alternative power sources like solar, hydroelectric, biomass and also wind energy. For this time, I have a bit interest to use hydroelectric to generate power for my project. The idea is to build a mini hydro generator that will be put on the water tank used in the house. When the user used the water, the water tank will be filled up, and during that time, the mini hydro generator will play it role. But still it have some problem that need to be overcome. Well, it just an idea and I need to have some discussion with my supervisor then.

example of hydro generator


As I do my research, I accidentally find this interesting video about renewable energy. Its really inspired me to try it out. Its a video about a couple in Ontario, Canada who live completely off the grid using wind and solar power and a battery storage system.  They also recycle their water supply and drive a car that gets 70 miles to the gallon.  A great piece and worth video to watch!

" ...With ALLAH blessing, plus with Supervisor guidance, plus with Family support, plus with Friends advise, I know I will do my best to finish this project, INSYAALLAH..."

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