Sunday, February 19, 2012

"Finding supply" cont.

WEEK 4                                                                        19 FEBRUARY 2012

TITLE : " Finding supply" cont.

OBJECTIVES : Continue entry for research of supply


To be more clear, ("Finding supply" cont.) means this entry will continue discussing the previous topic which is Finding the supply for my FYP project. As before, I thought Hydroelectric is the best decision I ever made, but then, after having a discussion with my supervisor, solar energy come out as the best solution. Hydroelectric will be useful if the water pressure provided is higher. Unfortunately, based on my project idea before, the pressure is not sufficient  to provide electricity supply that needed. Thus, solar energy is the best decision momentarily.

What is solar energy?I know you guys has better understanding for solar energy. As for those who didn't, solar energy is used to convert the sun's radiation into electricity. Electricity can be generated photovoltaically from daylight. Light is made up of countless energy particles, known as photons. If these photons strike a semi-conducting material, such as solar PV panel, they set electrons in motion thus producing electricity.

Example of solar panel


 As for my project, I will be using nominal 12 V solar panel to charge 12 V battery that will use to supply the circuit for auto feed. The supply needed for timer and motor to function to drop the food. By using solar energy, the owner will save their budget for animal care as their electrical bill will be reduce. As a backup for any bad circumstances like raining day or cloudy day which last for a month, this auto feed also provide the use of 12V adapter to run the circuit.


For this moment, I need to do a deep research regarding the solar panel operation and link it with the circuit operation. Better understanding is needed to operate this stuff and to understand the power consume for each part in the project operation. Its a right time to do brainstorming regarding the project. I wish I had the same brain like Albert Einstein now. Oh ALLAH, help me to learn this thing smoothly.... Amin....

" ...With ALLAH blessing, plus with Supervisor guidance, plus with Family support, plus with Friends advise, I know I will do my best to finish this project, INSYAALLAH..."

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